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These gentles once called Hawkwood home.  For whatever their reason they are now in other parts of the Known World. 

Files Last Updated - May 20, 2007

Click on an individual's name to see their heraldry and awards and orders they have received in the SCA at the time of their departure from Hawkwood.  Please note that these are not the official records of any awards or orders.  Go to the Kingdom of Atlantia's Order of Precedence for official records.

Lady Anne Marie de Lucy Coimhe Rionach McInnes
Lord Cristobal Federico Lord Cydifor ap Chwith
Lord Ihone Munro of the Blackrose Lady Liliana Michaella of Cinnamon Grove
Little Drew of Hawkwood Lady Listra of Hawkwood
Lady Maria Caterina di Boni THLord Osric the Pale
Master Peter Hawkyns Rowenna the Gypsy of Hawkwood






All heraldic devices and badges seen within these pages (unless otherwise stated) have been registered with the SCA College of Arms and are used with the permission of the owner.  They may not be used by anyone other than the owner without express permission. SCA names seen have not all been registered. 

Copyright © 2004-2007 Barony of Hawkwood, SCA Inc.  All rights reserved. This web page was designed and is maintained by Lady Marryyn Blackgroves (mka Mindi Bishop).  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to contact her at